Hearing Impaired Support Scheme

Support the team

Are you an office angel? Perhaps you're an exhibitionist? Maybe you're having a clear out or planning a marathon and looking to donate your funds to a valued local charity?
Administrative support - manning the email box and co-ordinating enquiries, filing, paperwork - if you have spare time to help us, contact Harriet via the email on the Contact page.
We are looking to raise the profile of the work we do through attending fairs and exhibitions around the area. If you can spare a couple of hours occasionally to help set up a stand and greet people, contact us.
Patron - Ian Holloway
Popular with both his team and the public, and famed for his witty interviews, HISS was delighted to welcome Ian as our Patron. He was only too pleased to be involved: as three of his children have severe hearing impairment he is more than aware of the need to make extra effort to ensure they are included in family life. He and his family are well informed and experienced in the issues of deafness and he learned sign language to be more involved.
Ian Holloway was the successful player-manager at Bristol Rovers FC when HISS was founded in 1990. He and his family have good reasons to feel strong links to Bristol.
“The girls' deafness has touched and enhanced our lives. We're better people because of it.”
Ian is keen to promote the needs of the more elderly and less mobile people in Bristol’s community whose hearing would suffer if they were not able to reach the essential services to maintain their hearing aids.
Copyright, all rights reserved 2019
Registered Charity Number: 1003175