Hearing Impaired Support Scheme
We couldn't operate without the support of the Audiology Department of Bristol NHS: they supply essential training, kit and supplies that underpin our home-visiting service. HISS feeds back to Audiology after each visit to report so that any appropriate ongoing actions can be put in place.
Friends & Supporters
Gloucestershire Deaf Association supplies equipment to the hearing impaired across the whole of Bristol.
Telephone: 0345 900 7830
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People
Visit their website or contact them for a brochure to find a helpful range of useful gadgets that might help you with practical problems.
Select icon to download a full list of lipreading classes in Bristol
image from www.clipartfest.com
... click the picture/logo to go to their website on a new page
Bristol Centre for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing People
HEALTHWATCH - Consumer champion for health and social care
Copyright, all rights reserved 2019
Registered Charity Number: 1003175